Arduino C++ (2022)
Guessing game Arduino project for guessing game. The user will have 3 chances to guess the randomly generated number in the system between 1 ~ 9.
It gets the input fro m the user with the number pad, and display the process with LED display board. |
C++ Projects (2019)
Turing machine
Unique pointer Unique pointer is a pointer that helps to avoid memory leaks in C++ projects with ARC(Automatic Reference Counting).
It tracks the total number of referenced pointers and when it is unassigned, it becomes the null pointer. GitHub: Link here |
Spell checker The spell checker project checks the input text file and identifies the misspelled words, and finds the suggested word from the dictionary. It checks the word with swap, re-arrange, insert, and delete methods.
GitHub: Link here |
3x3 Sudoku |